1300 East 1st Street
Boyle Heights CA 90033
Curated by Self Help Graphics & Art’s Program Manger, Joel Garcia, The Jornalero Papers
gathered the voices of 10 artists who live/lived the experience of
being a day laborer in America to take part in a special printmaking
atelier. The subject of each of the limited edition fine art serigraphs
explore the artist’s dreams of opportunity, met with the realities of
oppression, abuse, and physical pain; as well as their experiences of
empowerment through organizing and creating networks of opportunity in
between the lines of society.
a series of dialogues conducted virtually via Skype, the artists came
together, shared their experience, knowledge, ideas and perspectives to
help develop the content of what you will experience through Self Help
Graphics & Art’s LIII Atelier–The Jornalero Papers.
Artists include: Joel Garcia (Los Angeles, CA, Curator), Noel Vargas Hernandez, Hugo Martinez (Los Angeles, CA), Jose Luis Barrero (Los Angeles, CA), Alfredo Burgos (Los Angeles, CA), Ricardo Santibañez (Los Angeles, CA), Mel Dominguez (Tucson, AZ). Jose Gonzalez (Portland, OR), Irwin Sanchez (New York, NY), and Xavier Tavera (Minneapolis, MN),
Panel discussion with The Jornalero Papers artists. Mel Dominguez present via Skype
On Tuesday, May 1st, 2012 immediately following May Day Actions, Self Help Graphics & Arts hosted the Preview Exhibition of The Jornalero Papers with performances and Panel Discussion.
Following a
preview of the work, a panel discussion moderated by Founder and
Director of Centro Communicacion Communitaria, Marco Amador, engage
artists/jornaleros as well as organizers from Puente AZ and the
Macehualli Work Center and the Martin Luther King Worker Center in
Portland, OR in a dialogue about current issues and life experiences.
The evening will also include the following special performances:
-Opening Ceremony (Traditional Zapotec Dance) with Noel Vargas Hernandez
-Presentation & Performance by Teatro Jornalero Sin Fronteras with
Teatro Jornalero Sin Fronteras’ Program Director, Lorena Moran and
Artistic Director Juan J. Mangandi.
images and text courtesy of Self Help Graphic & Arts 2012