Fall in Tucson is beautiful, inspiring and full of great events and gatherings. I have art showing at several locations over the next few months and thought I’d share them with you all, in case you’re out and about around town. Also, Check out my recent Newsletter: http://eepurl.com/Cu4D9
- Tohono Chul Park Gallery “Dia De los Muertos” group show; runs through November 10, 2013
- Yikes Toy Store “Circus” group show; runs through December 31, 2013
- Arte de La Vida “Dia de los Muertos Ofrendas” group show; runs through November 1, 2013 CLOSING RECEPTION November 1st 6pm-8pm
- Pita Jungle on Broadway “Dia De Los Muertos” group show; October 14- November 17, 2013
- Pop Cycle Shop ” Los Antepasados” Solo show; OPENING RECEPTION October 19th 6pm-8pm
- All Souls Procession 2014 Poster Contest Closing Reception and Winner Announcement! November 9, 2013 7pm-9pm
- Contreras Fine Art Gallery Art Show w/fellow artist Carmen Sonnes; December 2-January 25, 2014 Opening Reception December 7th 6pm-9pm