I remember listening and watching the news announce SB-1070 and the effects it had on the community. It made me think of the time that i worked as a tow truck driver here in Tucson. The company I worked for had a contract with Border patrol, and it was my job to pick up seized vehicles of deported immigrants. Nine times out of ten I would see laundry, work tools and personal items in the cars. This new law was going to most likely increase these seizures and it just broke my heart thinking about it.
I couldn’t believe that there would be a law in place in Arizona that would give police officers the right to stop anyone who may be suspected of being in the United States Illegally. Soon after the announcement of SB 1070, many community organizations began protesting. Border Action Network asked local artists in Tucson to create artwork that reflected how they felt about this new law. Every artists was given a piece of recycled wood to create their piece of art that would be displayed and auctioned at PopCycle Shop in Tucson.
I was in my studio sketching and wondering how I would get my point across through my art. I was so upset about SB-1070, how it would affect innocent people and families. How would I illustrate an Illegal immigrant, skin color? racial profiling? Just like a lightning bolt, the idea came to mind. A family in luchador masks! Their masks and clothing represent the culture and hard work.

The piece was auctioned off and won by a local writer, Nico Ratoff. I posted a photo of the art piece on Facebook and Self Help Graphics had seen it.
A few months later, Self Help Graphics invited me to Los Angeles to print a limited edition of 16x 20 serigraphs of the image. I hope that this piece can help communicate how wrong this law is to our community.